Online test
DUE TO TECHNICAL PROBLEMS, THIS AREA IS CURRENTLY DOWN. WE'RE WORKING TO GET IT BACK ONLINE ASAP. PLEASE ACCEPT OUR APOLOGIES FOR THE SERVICE DISRUPTION. Welcome to Smile’s online language test area. The test is comprised of 30 multiple choice questions of increasing difficulty. This test only measures theoretical linguistic skills and needs to be complemented with an oral examination with one of our language trainers prior to making a determination on your real language level. Click on the "Take Test" button below to commence. You have 15 minutes to finish the test. Results (answers and score) will be provided immediately at the conclusion of the test. At the beginning of the test you will be asked to provide your name and email address for reference. All private data will be for the purposes of this online test only. If you have any questions click on the Connect and send us a message. You will be contacted shortly afterward. |